Welcome to The Mehlberg's Blog

Welcome to The Mehlberg's home page. Through this blog, Elaine, Jackson, Charlie, Henry and I can share with you our experiences and life. We hope that, even though we may live far apart, these posts and pictures keep us close together. Welcome!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jack's First Birthday Party

Well, Jack is officially 1 year old. We both can't believe how fast time flew. Now we have a walking, talking, and altogether the cutest toddler in the world (ok...so we're partial). Jack had a blast digging into his extra large chocolate cupcake (click here for the video). Most of the frosting ended up in his lap (actually, Daddy's lap), but all that sugar was so yummy and led to a nice sugar high on the way home. Jack wants to thank his friends, Sebastian, Will, Dominic, Isabelle, Xander, and Landon for joining him in celebrating his big day and all the fun gifts he'll be playing and sharing with his friends and Henry. :-) Thanks to all the mommy's and daddy's who helped in a big way (Joe, Kristen, Kristy, Matt, John, and Shelley). We're so lucky to be surrounded by all these wonderful families. Now, enjoy the rest of the pics of our "beach party" by clicking here.
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